Sedation Dentistry – Soothing, Calming

We’re experts at calming even the most phobic dental patients. We realize that some patients are apprehensive about receiving dental care.

That’s why we have worked hard to garner a reputation for making patients as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

We have many relaxation techniques available to help ease your jitters. Our most powerful is oral sedation, a pill that will relax you and even get you to sleep. The experience is soothing….calming….and sedating. This will prevent you from dealing with the apprehension and stress of the dental procedure.

While you are relaxed and comfortable, we will take care of all of your dental needs. In fact, we can perform years of dentistry in just one or two appointments. When the treatment is over you will leave the office with a healthy, beautiful smile.

Don’t put off your dentistry because of your fears. We can help you cope with them so you can get back to your life with a healthy smile.


What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is sometimes called “sleep dentistry”, because while you are sedated the doctor performs the treatment and when it is completed you will have no memory of any of it.

Sedation dentistry is completely safe. You will not be unconscious and will be able to respond and during the entire visit. The doctor and his specially trained team of dental professionals will monitor your vital signs and comfort throughout.


How do you know sedation dentistry is for me?

Dr. Kara or Dr. Jeremy will have a consultation with you to determine whether you are a candidate for sedation dentistry.

Patients must be between the ages of 18 and 80 to have sedation dentistry. We will perform a careful screening to determine if you have any medical conditions that may prevent you from being a candidate. We have found that several characteristics apply to patients who benefit from sedation dentistry.

People who have….

  • High anxiety about dentistry
  • Traumatic dental experience in the past
  • Difficulty getting numb
  • A strong gag reflex
  • TMJ troubles and cannot open their mouth for extensive periods
  • Complex dental problems
  • Very sensitive teeth
  • Anxiety over needles, noises, or smells in dental office
  • No desire for multiple visits


What can I expect while being sedated?

A companion must drive you to and from your appointment. The night before you will take a pill to begin the relaxation. About an hour before treatment begins you will take another pill. We will escort you to a comfortable chair and begin to monitor you. When you are comfortably sedated, Dr. Kara or Dr. Jeremy will begin your dental care.

When your treatment is finished, your companion will drive you home. Most likely, you will not remember your appointment.


Is this like general anesthesia?

No, this is called oral sedation or conscious sedation. There are no needles, tubes or IVs here. You just simply swallow a pill. You will be conscious throughout the procedure, yet you will be very relaxed and will be able to respond.

In all probability, you will not remember your visit. Many of our patients say, “I remember taking the pill, and the next thing I remember is waking up with my teeth looking beautiful.”


How long will I be sedated?

You may be sedated from two to eight hours, depending on the dental treatment that you need. Typically patients choose to have all of their dental work accomplished in one appointment. We can replace crowns or bridges, fix chipped teeth, whiten yellow or stained teeth, restore gums to good health.

Patients appreciate having years of dental work performed in one visit. Your companion does not need to be here for the entire visit. We can call your companion when you are ready to go home.

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